Richmond Elementary School, Portland
2276 SE 41st  •  Portland, OR 97214  •  Phone: (503) 916-6220   •  Fax: (503) 916-2665  •  Sitemap

Richmond Ongoing Fundraising

Learn to Earn with Umpqua Bank

Just wanted to send out a reminder that next Wednesday, May 26 will be our last banking day for this school year.

By way of encouragement to our very consistent families, I received this comment from the Learn to Earn Coordinator, Colleen Toste (who came in the fall and did the kickoff assemblies), "Richmond had 105 accounts make deposits in April - that's the busiest school of all 125 that we have, and almost double the next busiest, which is Abernethy!" You all are dedicated to saving!

We have not had any volunteers step up yet for next year, so if you're considering this please either email me or stop by next Wednesday and chat with one of us about it.

We also have postcards at the table introducing a blogspot on Umpqua Bank's website for families to talk about strategies for helping children/families develop money skills. Grab one and check it out! Also on the horizon for Umpqua is a new branch that will be opening up in the near future on Hawthorne Street!

Umpqua Bank Learn to EArn A couple of notes for clarification

Hannah Hurley and Cathy Slyman
Bank Day Volunteers

Richmond Foundation

Every year, the Richmond Foundation raises money to support staff at our school. Other funding sources for staff included the school auction, grants, a business pledge drive and other sources. The fundraising for staff has been to maintain the librarian, reading specialist, and 1st and 2nd grade teaching positions.

We will again do our Parent Pledge Drive as well as raise money from outside organizations. To get involved or donate, visit the Richmond Foundation page.

Restaurant fundraisers benefit Foundation

We are once again planning monthly "Restaurant Fundraisers" throughout the year to raise money for the Richmond School Foundation (RSF). This year, the RSF will focus on expanding our community's funding of academic needs in the following areas:

Instructional support to provide additional opportunity for 1:1 and small group instruction in the classroom.
Technology Support for integrating the mobile computer lab grant into the curriculum.
Enrichment support for further expansion of staff positions in the areas of library, art/music and counseling.

Last year these restaurant events raised over $4000! They are a fun way to build community among Richmond families and between the school and local businesses.

Scheduled restaurant fundraisers include the following:

A hearty THANK YOU to all of you who have participated in these events! We also thank Pizzicato, The Country Cat, Burgerville, the businesses that generously have donated portions of their proceeds to support our children's education!

Check the school calendar for upcoming events, and look for flyers and emails for additional details.

There are several ways you can participate at each event:

  1. Dine in, or order take out. If your day is too busy to organize a family outing, consider picking up take out, and worry less about cooking chores. Pizzicato offers "half-baked" pizzas so you can bring it home and finish cooking it in your oven.

  2. Invite friends and family to join in these events. Imagine the boost in proceeds if each family brought in a few more people to these enjoyable fundraising events!

  3. Organize a gathering. Have a company lunch catered, or have friends over for take out or delivery (more details to follow in future e-mail).

  4. Purchase Gift Certificates/Cards. Many restaurants will include gift purchases in the final tally. If you eat at the restaurant on a regular basis, know someone who would enjoy a night/meal out, or can’t make it on the event day, consider purchasing a gift ahead for later use.

  5. Please mention that you are there for the Richmond fundraiser. Some businesses base their donations only on Richmond affiliated/related orders, while others cover all proceeds from the date. All businesses would like to know how much of the clientele comes in due to the fundraiser. The staff often work extra hard on fundraiser nights due to the increase in customers. Make it a habit to say something or thank the staff, so they know you are with Richmond!

  6. Support these businesses throughout the year! The businesses that participate in these fundraisers are really supporting education in the community! If you enjoy the food and atmosphere, please consider going to them again and again. And when you do, please thank them for their support of Richmond!

  7. Greet families at the event and thank them for supporting the Richmond School Foundation (RSF).

  8. I'd love help setting up more of these events throughout the year. Please contact me if you have any feedback, suggestions, or interest in helping with these fundraisers!
Thank you!
Jennifer Gregor

Please contact the Richmond Foundation if you have any feedback, suggestions, or interest in helping with these fundraisers!

Rich Coffee

The Magnificent Three Rich Coffee service is in the cafeteria and runs from 7:40-8:20am. Beverages served include Portland Roasting coffee, English tea, Japanese tea, and hot cocoa. Please note that cocoa is only sold between 7:45 and 7:55 and students must finish drinking it in the cafeteria before going to their classrooms. Muffins will be available on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday only.



No Rich Coffee on late start Wednesdays

New helpers needed! Please contact Emi Avondstondt if you want to join the team.

Emi Avondstondt, Sachiko Nishikido, Katharina Cahen, Yoko Sato
PTA Rich Coffee Volunteering Moms

Box Tops for Education

The Clip program makes it simple to help earn cash for our school. Make a difference each time you go to the grocery store just by purchasing your favorite General Mills brands. Clip and earn in three easy steps.
  1. Clip Box Tops
    Clip Box Tops from hundreds of your favorite General Mills products found throughout your local grocery store. Each Box Top is worth 10˘ to our school.

  2. Send Box Tops to School
    Turn in your Box Tops. Our school will collect submitted Box Tops and send them to General Mills. Richmond's Box Tops canister is on the table outside the main office.

  3. Our School Earns Cash
    Twice a year, General Mills will send our school a check worth 10˘ for each Box Top redeemed. Our school can earn up to $20,000 per year.

Wonderful kindergarten parent (and Carson's mom) Kim Dody has generously stepped forward to take on the position of box tops coordinator for the year. Kim will be collecting the box tops from the drop areas on the table outside the office as well as inside the office with Patsy. Please cut the box tops on your own at home in order to simplify the process for Kim so she can just send them directly to the company in order for us to begin racking up the points towards new computers, classroom supplies, playground equipment, etc. And remember, this is a program that is offered across the country so ask those grandparents in Florida to cut and send you the box tops. If my 87-year-old grandpa can send in those box tops, anyone can! Thank you Kim!!!

All three Box Tops for Education programs are year-round, so keep participating.

Participating products (pdf, opens in new window)

Oya no Kai Scrip

Scrip has long been a favorite school fundraiser: no selling to family and friends, no buying things you wouldn't normally buy - it's like free money for your class! Merchants sell gift certificates or gift cards to us at a discount, families pay face value, and 90% of the proceeds go into your child's class trip account (you can also choose to direct the proceeds to Richmond Foundation or ONK). The remaining 10% goes into the Oya No Kai general fund, which supports the entire program.

For more information, visit the Scrip page on the Oya no Kai Web site.

Save Our Elms Coffee orders - print an order form

Save Our Elms Beautiful Elm trees ring our school grounds, shading our children as they play, cleaning the air we breathe, and enhancing our environment in many other ways. Dutch Elm Disease(DED) is a disease that can kill elm trees and rapidly spread to other elm trees that share root systems. Help me protect Richmond's big Elm trees by supporting Save Our Elms.

Save Our Elms, a 501c(3) non-profit, raises money for inoculations (essentially shots for the trees) that are given once every three years to help protect the trees from DED. We raise this money by selling Portland Roasting coffee in one pound bags throughout the school year. June of 2010 will be our next round of inoculations. (Check out for more information on elm trees.)

Portland Roasting is one of Portland's original coffee roasters offering a wide variety of coffee and giving back to the coffee farming communities throughout the world through their Farm Friendly Direct™ program and other projects. You can learn more about the company at their website,

2 ways to buy Portland Roasting coffee:

Coffee beans

  1. Ground regular coffee is available in the office. Pick out your coffee from the display basket, and either give your money to the secretary or place it in the box marked "Save Our Elms" on the office front wall. Regular coffee costs $10/pound. Please make checks out to Save Our Elms.)
  2. Additional coffee is available through weekly orders for ground coffee, whole bean coffee, and decaf coffee.

To save paper (which means saving trees, right?!?) please e-mail your order to dustin-mary ( at ) comcast ( dot ) net by Thursday morning at 8 AM (please specify whole bean or ground!) and your coffee will be at school in the office for pick-up on Friday afternoon. Your coffee will be held in the secretary's coffee drawer just for you. If you need coffee to be sent home with your student, please contact me and I can make those arrangements for you. Place your check in the Save Our Elms box with "order" in the memo. You may also put paper orders with payment in the Save Our Elms box before the Thursday morning deadline.

Regular: $10/pound ($4.15 from every bag sold goes to SOE) Decaf: $11/pound ($4.40 from every bag sold goes to SOE)